Designer’s Circle Round 108

Dotted Bikini - Fi's Creation

I saw this gorgeous suit and of course thought of the Yellow Polka Dotted Bikini song. I refuse to quote the song, cause then it will be stuck in my head. lol

But who doesn’t love a good game of beach volleyball? Wanna play? I’ll serve!

Fiona has designed this gorgeous mesh bikini with a 6 color HUD. If you are Platinum Vip for Fi’s Creation there is a special 7th color for you. The 6 original colors come in solid or polka dotted. You can also change your string and bead colors. It gives you so many options to mix it up. And you have 5 sizes to choose from too. (No mesh body appliers for this item.)

This is EXCLUSIVELY available at:
Event : Designer Circle (Round 108th)
• Starts : 28 June 2 PM SL Time
• Costs : 100 L$ (Discounted)
• SURL :

But once you hit the Event, don’t forget to stop by the Main Store and get your Platinum VIP group so You have access to the special colors available on her creations. Click on the website to get the newest SLurls for the store..

I wanted you to get a complete look at the swimsuit and not just from the front. *wiggles her butt at the camera*


Apparel: Dotted Bikini by Fi’s Creations

Hair: Clawtooth: Heart Attack and Vine – Screaming Yellow (the Pride gift was this style in 5 shades)

Skin: [Hush] Ivy – NightSky – Cream

Slink: Hands in Relaxed and Feet in High

Make-up: Carrie’s Elegance Full MU Moss

The Storms showed me Rainbows!

Stormy Morning

I woke up this morning to storms outside my window. Sighing with dread I went through my normal morning tasks, walk the dog (got drenched), wake my son (12 yr old thinks sleeping day light hours away is the norm), and tend to the chores of the house.

After it was all settled I was wanting to go back to bed, to hide away the rest of the day. But instead I logged into SL to check on the breedable fish I have and check messages.

Here I will pause to hand out ear plugs…. *waits for everyone to put them in*

Fi's Creations - Logo 2015
OMG! I got my 1st sponsor as a blogger! I was accepted to join the team of bloggers for Fi’s Creations and Hunts! So of course they got their very own page you can find over on the side>>> And I had to make this my blog topic for the day. Fi’s has a group of roughly 20 bloggers, including me!

Not just for the boys!

Not Just for boys

This post isn’t going to be long. Just wanted to remind all the girls out there.. these toys are not just for the boys!

I made a trip to Collabor88 and got this super cute outfit by tee*fy. It was light enough to let me work in the summer heat with out breaking to much of a sweat. And after I fix the bike, time to layback and watch that sunset.


Bike : V-twins Chopper/Cliffhanger Series (Black)

Pose: ~*MRC*~ Sexy Female Bike Pose II (got this from MP for 50L)

Outfit: Tee*fy Kelly Knotted Tank Top – M – Nope

Tee*fy Anja Shorts – Stripes – M

Hair: Magika [hair rigged] Blame (Color Hud 03)

Sands of Time

Majikis Al Jinn, Sands of Time

Today’s stroll led me to “The Sands of Time” sim. I found it in the Destination guide. This gorgeous sim was built in 2010 by Calein Flux.

Calein designed this sim with the following intentions… “was to bring to Second Life a taste of the ‘mystical east’ that seems to have been overshadowed in recent real-world events by a sense, at least from a western perspective, that middle eastern culture was something to be wary of…” quoted straight from his NC you can get at the entrance simply by clicking on the Welcome sign.

I could of taken so many breath taking shots, but I think you need to travel there to experience the beautifully created sim.


Location: Majikis Al Jinn, Sands of Time

Pose: The Muse Poses – Peace 2 – Peace on Earth Hunt 5

Hair: Magika [Hair Rigged] Blame (03 Color Hud)

Skin: [HUSH] Ivy – NightSky – Cream

Make-up: Carrie’s Elegance Full MU Moss

Eyes: IKON Odyssey Eyes – Clarity (June VIP Gift)

Dress: Mon Cheri Sachi Flare Dress in Choco Mint

Hands and Feet: Slink

Jewelry: Wicked Tattoos: Simple Lip RIng, .HW. Jaded – Dermal/Chains, 3xC Ghostly Trio Cameo Ring, Haunted: Spiked watch (3) White silver

The Summertime Fun Hunt

Okay so I ventured out alone this time. There are 11 stops on this hunt and I was bored so I figured I would give it a go to see what damage I could cause alone. All I have to do, is find a beach ball.

I took the first SLurl and landed at the Ravenous Store. The hints listed with the SLurls on the website for you, are dead on. You can’t miss where to look for these items. However, as I made my way through the list, I grew disappointed. The SLurls start dropping you literally on top of the gifts. That takes the fun out of the hunt. 😦 But I continued on.

I got all the way through the hunt with no incidents, until #11 Flood. It drops you in front of the Ducks, which is what the clue directs you too. But I could not find the beach ball anywhere. I even relogged in case it was a viewer not loading issue. But still no prize to be found. At this point I am dropping a NC to the hunt coordinator and waiting to find out if Flood chose not to participate.

So I got home and started opening my goodies!

I even got an extra gift from X-clusives. I got the beautiful Sweetheart’s swing I can’t wait to test out. And just for landing I got a random present, Majestic Casual Chaise.

I decided this post could not go without pictures. So with summer being the theme, I chose the Dream Sandwriting pose from ROSENGARTEN (Lilian Laville) and the Pink Bikini from Darkmatter (Pamela Darkmatter).

SFH - Dream Sandwriting

With realistic looking seashells and an animated pose your hand goes back and forth to look like you are writing. This makes for a great photo prop. And it has 2 separate menus.. one for female and one for male both have the same 3 poses but they are adjusted to the average size of the male and female avis. Also this is one you can leave out on your land without taking up your prims… its only 1 prim/land impact.

In the photo you can also see that pretty pink bikini I was talking about. Cause I was laying in the pose I put the sandals (which are for slink flat feet) on the ground. The suit it self is a system layer in 2 pieces. (Works for me I don’t have a full mesh body.) Also not that this image gives a real clear view she also included a soft pink swirly cloud style slink nail polish for you to wear. I wanted to give you another view of the pink bikini with pearl style strings, so I am including one last image.

SFH - Bikini from Darkmatter

❤ Mae

P.s. The rest of what my avi is wearing is basics I wear 24/7.

Lazy Day Sunday…

First let me apologize, I just started this blog and already missed a week of posting. I have been terribly sick and the meds aren’t letting me stay awake for long periods of time.

Now on to the fun stuff!!!

So Thursday night I was able to be on for a couple hours. (literally I mean 2 hours before I fell asleep on the keyboard. lol) My siblings decided to help me sort out a name and start the initial M-alt. For those of you unaware of the term, it is a male avatar operated by a female. I learned a new word and been using ever since. lol

Side note: I also learned masticate on Saturday and driving people nuts with it. It means chewing. I love learning new words!

Okay back on topic… no I am not going to expose my M-alt’s ID.. but I do want to talk to you about the process. So I opened up the main website to Secondlife. From there I followed the prompts to starting a new avatar. I don’t know how often you go on to this page, but all the initial avatars are now MESH! Mine was system when I created my initial avatar.

Here’s the M-Alt I chose to start with (and yes I have already been changing him up.)

Base M-Alt

I chose the geeky male, cause I love a guy with a brain! After getting him inworld, it was time to make him my own. So obviously that skin n shape had to go.. but because it’s not modifiable.. I broke down and went back to the system shapes, which are still available in the Library Folders. I choose the Music Man….

Chose the Music Man.

Anyone who roams SL knows that this reads “NOOB” all over it so 1st step into changing up the character I found a cheap modifiable shape on MP (Think I spent 25L.) Went to the TMD and grabbed that beautiful skin by Clef de pau called Lucas and I chose the lighter base (T2). I grabbed the IKON mesh eyes in Dune and picked up a 99L mesh outfit from MP. ohh and don’t forget the AO I went to Oracul.

1st step to make over.

My siblings are helping me to modify the shape.. cause it needs a bit of help. We are also all on our M-alts.. or my brothers on their regular avis and we are currently running through the Menstuff hunt which is until the 30th of June. Also the For Him Hunt is going on until the 19th. Make sure you check out both.

There will be more updates later as he goes through his transformation.

There will also be updates on more hunts we are headed for.. Like the Summer full perm, the For Her Hunt, taking our toddledoo alts and siblings through the I believe hunt… So many to do and not many days left.

Enjoy your Sunday or what’s left!

Witchy Hour Hunt

WHH - finished

So as promised… here is the hunt we chose.

➽➽➽➽Witchy Hour Hunt
6/1 – 6/30
Organizers Haruchu Resident & Zodiac Resident

Me and my siblings (Ali and Mink) got into a Skype call and giggled the whole way through this hunt. Most of the stores were decorated for the hunt which made it that much more fun.  There were 19 stops in total. Only 1 store wasn’t set yet, and we will check back later to see if they added their giftie. (Afterlife)

The picture you see above is Ali and myself trying to raise Lokelani from her death bed. LOL Lokelani is a family friend of ours who was willing to pose with us. Below I will give you a break down of the credits and items I used for the photos.

The next picture is a close up of Lokelani in her beautiful death. (Loke isn’t wearing anything from the hunt.)

WHH - Lokelani

And I my Witchy sister Ali calling to the Goddess.  WHH- Aliana

Things Ali is wearing:
Witchy Hour Hunt
+Black Moon+ Coven Eyes 5
.HW. Jaded – Dermal/Chains
Livid: The Apprentice Full Outfit
Twisted Hunt Spring 14
[UN] Wizard’s Lament Staff HUD

And me in the middle of summoning Lokelani’s soul. WHH-Mae

What Mae is wearing
The Witchy Hour Hunt:
Che Bella // Summoning Circle One
+Black Moon+ Coven Eyes 2
Livid : The Apprentice Hat & Frog
Livid : The Apprentice Spell Book & Magic Wand
.HW. Jaded – Dermal/Chains
[N] Summon XS
>BoDy FLuid< Amoret Vein Tattoo
=sexy bish=Wiccan Goddess Pentacle Arm Tattoo *Fresh

Props and Poses:
Twisted Hunt Spring 14 – [Black Tulip] Magick – Invocation

There were great decorations on some of the sims. In Hollyweird the books were flying around so make sure you watch out where you are standing. When you enter Livid, check out the woman visiting the graves. On the last sim of the night we found a roller coaster and arcade games that we indulged in before going to bed.

When you go on hunts always make sure to check out the cool things the sponsors and stores set up for you to do and see.


Let’s hope that spin in the tract doesn’t feed us to the sharks! See ya’ll soon!

Clawtooth Hair

Collage of the sim
            Collage of the Sim & Clawtooth

So while fending off a cold, and my family has been offline, I haven’t been able to do the hunt thing yet. (That’s to change tonight when we are all on!)

In the process, I was awake at like 3 am EST coughing my head off and checking my Plurk. I responded to one the lovely Bubbles Clawtooth posted about hitting a creative block.. err.. drought maybe? It’s a joke I will get to the punchline in a minute.

I had realized I had NEVER been to the Clawtooth Mainstore. OMG shoot me for ever missing out on this adorable sim, Tableau!

Upon landing on Tableau, you find yourself dropped in a small town just on the verge of a vast desert (Insert the punchline desert = drought? lol Yes, I am a major dork, ask my family.) seeing the mountains in the distance. The adorable stores are adobe/pueblo style buildings with the beautiful native american colors you would find on a family road trip.

They even have the life size dinosaur statues and a look out station. I walked around this sim for nearly 2 hours took a couple pics and looked through all the stores. Bubbles Clawtooth has so many great hairs to look through, and if you missed an arcade or didn’t get the color you wanted? Bubbles also has all those gachas sitting outside for you to play until your heart is content.

As this is dedicated to Clawtooth I only put one landmark in here which drops you at the entrance to Clawtooth. But I am including the full list of Stores and their Owners.. If you want to tag any of them please do!! I think I bought something from nearly every store, and I will definately be stopping back through to pick up things, I ran out of L$. And so my readers are aware, I am not on any of these stores bloggers list. This was my adventure to a new store and thought you would be interested.


Clawtooth by Bubbles Clawtooth
(fashionable dead) by Toast Bard
Paper Couture by Cora Lu
Nylon Outfitters by Nylon Pinkney
Nylon Outfitters Art Nails by Nylon Pinkney
Yummy! by Polyester Partridge
The Wrigglesworth’s Residence by Mordechai Wrigglesworth
ZsaZsa’s House of Beauty by ZsaZsa Withnail
Ooh LaLa! by Nylon Pinkney

Satellites for:
junk. by Tab Tatham
Soonsiki Hair previously Milk Hair by Milk Chan
Moon by Silent Acoustic
Vespertine by Mochi
Kalopsia by Isabeau Baragula
Cheeky pea. by Isla Gealach
!lamb. by Lamb Bellic
Tres Blah by Julliette Westerburg